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Tip Jar

Coming Soon! A restaurant recovery program from Land O’Lakes

Tip Jar Teaser by Land O’Lakes Culinary Center 05/08/2021

Coming Soon…

Tip Jar, a restaurant recovery program from Land O’Lakes

How does it work?  By signing up, you'll join restaurants nationwide and receive support:

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 chance to win 1 of 20 $1,000 gift cards

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free promotional materials you can use to bring diners in through the month of June

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For the future
We’ll work together to support the foodservice workforce. When diners log their tips through the promotion, we’ll match them with a donation to the National Restaurant Association’s Educational Foundation. The NRAEF and its programs work to attract, empower and advance today’s and tomorrow’s restaurant and foodservice workforce.

Check back tomorrow and sign up for this program and your chance to win!

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