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Queso Bravo® Cheese Dip - A Solution for your Professional Kitchen

Chef Chris Olson from the Land O’Lakes Test Kitchens explains how Queso Bravo® Cheese Dip is not only a great cheese sauce on its own, but also a great base for a variety of recipes that can be served in a dining hall or that students can take to-go.

Bacon Scallion Queso by Land O’Lakes Culinary Center

Looking to keep a diverse menu while reducing the number of SKUs in your inventory? Working with reduced staff in your professional kitchen? Land O Lakes® Queso Bravo® Cheese Dip can help.

Whether you’re serving dine-in or take-out, Land O Lakes® Queso Bravo® Cheese Dip provides a great base for almost any queso recipe and can handle many applications in your operation. 

In the video above, Chef Chris Olson from the Land O’Lakes Test Kitchens explains how Queso Bravo® Cheese Dip is not only a great cheese sauce on its own, but also a great base for a variety of recipes that can be served in a dining hall or that students can take to-go. Here are three recipes featuring Queso Bravo® Cheese Dip that you can bring to your professional kitchen:

Bacon Scallion Queso

Another great way to serve this dip is to hollow out a pretzel bowl with a biscuit cutter, then grill or toast top to serve alongside. Fill bowl with this creamy cheese dip and serve with assorted raw vegetables or pretzel crackers.

Land O'Lakes Foodservice Bacon Scallion Queso Dip with Pretzel in to-go container

Aloha Queso 

This sauce is great served over plantain chips, grilled chicken or you can add peppers and onions to make a great quinoa bowl.

Land O'Lakes Foodservice Aloha Queso Dip with chips in a to-go container

Chipotle Queso

This zesty sauce is great served over fish tacos or, if you really want to get creative, cool it down and serve it as a sandwich spread.

Land O'Lakes Foodservice Chipotle Queso with Corn Chips served in a to-go container

We take pride in providing you and your customers a high-quality cheese sauce for either dine-in or take-out. Our Foodservice Cheese Sauces can be a launching point for your inspirations or can stand on their own. To learn more about our Queso Bravo® Cheese Dip and our other Performance Cheese Sauces, visit our Land O Lakes® Sauce product page.

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